Thank you for being a customer of We maintain the highest quality standards, and we hope that the product(s) you have purchased brings you satisfaction. The content in the digital products sold on is the property of LaToyaRachelle, LLC and the respective brand, and it is protected by U.S. and international intellectual property laws. It is provided to you for your own personal use.

Personal Use Only. Accordingly, you agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display any content from your purchased digital product(s), except for your own personal, non-commercial use.

No Redistribution. You may not reproduce, repackage, or redistribute any of the content on, in whole or in part, for any reason.

No Commercial Use. The digital products on may not be used for commercial purposes. For example, you may not do any of the following: use the product(s) to sell a product or service; use the product(s) to increase traffic to your Web site for commercial reasons, such as advertising sales.  Any use of the product(s) that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of LaToya Rachelle LLC and, or that is for commercial purposes will be investigated, and the owner shall have the right to take appropriate civil and criminal legal action.


Digital products are not eligible for returns or exchanges because of the nature of these items.

Modifications of Terms

LaToya Rachelle LLC shall have the right to modify the terms of this Agreement at any time, which modification shall be effective immediately and shall replace all prior Agreements.

For further inquiries regarding the terms of use and the proper licensing use, please contact our customer service at [email protected].