writing blogs for seo

Blog Writing for SEO: It’s Not As Difficult As You Might Think

If you’re a blogger, chances are you’re always looking for ways to get more eyes on your content. After all, what’s the point of spending hours writing blog posts if nobody is ever going to read them? Luckily, there are a number of relatively simple things you can do to improve the SEO of your blog and get more people reading your content.

What is SEO Writing?🤔

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” It is the practice of optimizing web pages and blog posts so that they appear higher in search engine rankings. Writing blogs for SEO involves incorporating specific keywords into your blog post in order to make it easier for people to find when searching for related topics online.

blogging tips for beginners

Crafting SEO-friendly content is the key to unlocking higher visibility on search engines like Google. This powerful technique helps optimize articles so they reach the coveted first page of search results – giving them much-needed visibility among a sea of competitors.

How to Write Blogs for SEO 📝

If you’re looking to get more blog traffic, here are 5 easy tips you can use to optimize your blog writing for SEO.

Tip 1: Research Your Keywords 🔎

Before you start writing, it’s important to do some keyword research. This will help you identify which words or phrases are most likely to be used by potential readers when searching for content like yours. To do this, you can use free or low-cost tools like Google AdWords or KeywordsEverywhere to find keywords with high search volumes but low competition. A good rule of thumb for beginning bloggers hoping to rank quickly is to write blog posts on keywords that get between 50 to 2,000 keyword searches a month.

Tip 2: Use Keywords Strategically 💬

Once you’ve done your keyword research, you need to then begin to use the relevant keywords in several strategic spots throughout your blog post.

  • Use Keywords in Your Title 
    The title of your blog post is one of the most important pieces for SEO. It’s the very first thing people see when searching, and it’s often what will determine if they click through to read more. Make sure you include at least one relevant keyword in your blog post titles – preferably right near the beginning. Need help creating an attention-grabbing title for your blog post? Try using one of the free generators offered by experts like Ryan Robinson and Fat Joe. Simply plug in a keyword or two, and you’ll be on your way to creating an eye-catching headline within seconds.
  • Use Keywords in Your Headings and Sub-Headings
    Headings and subheadings provide a great opportunity to use keywords. This helps both SEO and readers, as it makes blog posts easier to scan quickly and pick out the relevant points. In addition, doing so will help search engines understand what your blog post is all about and help them determine where to rank it.
  • Use Keywords Throughout Your Blog Post 
    If you want people to find your blog post when they search for specific keywords, then you also need to use those keywords throughout your blog post. However, it’s important not to go overboard here. Using too many keywords will not only turn off readers but it will also get you penalized by search engines like Google. Instead, focus on using keywords strategically throughout your blog post so that they flow naturally. A good rule of thumb is to use each keyword 1-2 times for every 100 words in your post.

Tip 3: Optimize Your Images 🖼️

Images are an important part of any blog post, but did you know they can also help improve your SEO? Search engines can’t see what’s in an image but they can read the text associated with it – such as the name and description of the file. Therefore, make sure that all of your blog post images include relevant keywords so that search engines understand what the image is about.

Provide alternative text (Alt text) for each image on your site (Alt text is a brief description of an image that tells search engines what the image is about).


Tip 4: Use Linking Strategically ⚓️

Internal and external links are also important for blog writing for SEO. Internal links help search engines understand the structure of your blog post and guide readers to other pieces of content on your blog. They are also a great way to encourage visitors to stay on your blog longer, as they can click through to related blog posts you’ve written.

External links, or backlinks, also play an important role in SEO. These links tell search engines that other websites find your blog post valuable and credible enough to link back to it – this helps boost your ranking in search engine results pages. Make sure that when you use external linking, you do so strategically by only linking out to trusted sources with high domain authority (DA).

Links from high-quality websites are given more weight than links from low-quality or spammy websites. So, when linking out to other sites, be selective about where you’re choosing to link. And if you’re hoping other bloggers will link back to you, make sure your content is share-worthy! Creating link-worthy content means writing helpful posts that provide value to your readers. Essentially, the more high-quality links you have pointing back to your site, the better.

Tip 5: Publish Regularly ⌨️

Last but not least, blog writing for SEO is about consistency. If you want to rank higher in search engine results pages, then you need to be publishing high-quality blog posts regularly – ideally once a week or more. Search engines like websites that post content on a regular basis because it shows readers that the website is updated frequently and still relevant. Additionally, each blog post you write gives your website another opportunity to appear in search engine results pages – so the more blog posts you have published, the better.

Dependent upon your blog’s niche, topic, and audience, your “ideal” blog post length will vary. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for blog posts that are at least 1,000 words long. Blog posts with over 1,000 words tend to do better on average and are less likely to be labeled ‘thin content’. This is by no means a hard and fast rule though. Word count is not indicative of quality. Above all else, Google and other search engines value content that is relevant, helpful, and easy to read.

If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas for new content, remember that keyword research is king. Niche down from that research to come up with new blog post ideas. You could also try thinking about what questions your target audience has that you could answer with a new blog post, or even consider using tools like Jasper AI or ChatGPT to help you flesh out your ideas. You can even get inspiration from other blogs in your industry and use it to create something even better! Remember, quality trumps quantity when it comes to publishing regular blog posts. Aim for 1-2 quality posts per week vs. 5-10 mediocre ones.

How Long Before My SEO Efforts Pay Off? 🤔

While there’s no definitive answer to this question, blog writing for SEO is a long-term strategy. It won’t produce overnight results. If done correctly, you should, however, expect to see some changes within 3-6 months after beginning your blog writing efforts, but it can take as long as 12-18 months before any major improvements are seen. That’s why blog post consistency is so important – the more blog posts you have on your site that are optimized correctly and include valuable content, the better chance you have of ranking higher in search engine results pages.

blogging for beginners

So there you have it! While blog writing for SEO might seem like a daunting task at first, it’s far from impossible. With the right strategies and tactics in place, you can create blog posts that will help your website rank higher. And with these tips under your belt, you’re well on your way to creating blog posts that both readers and search engines will love. Just remember to focus on creating helpful content that is keyword-rich but still easy to read, use external linking strategically, and post regularly. Doing so will ultimately help you reach more readers online.

You got this! ❤️


LaToya Rachelle
