morning affirmations

100 New Day Affirmations For A Positive Morning

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Hey you! Yes, you – the awesome person reading this. 😉

Have you ever had one of those mornings where your alarm clock feels like the enemy and getting out of bed seems like climbing Mount Everest?

Of course, you have! We’ve all had those days where the weight of the world seems to be on our shoulders and negativity just creeps in. 

Did you know affirmations can help flip the switch from negative thoughts to positive thinking? Just a few words have the power to change your entire outlook for the day. 

Why These Little Positive Phrases Are a Big Deal

Affirmations are simple, positive statements that can help boost your confidence and change the way you think about yourself and your life . They remind us of our worth, potential, and goals. 

They also help us stay focused, motivated, and optimistic throughout the day.

When we start our day by saying affirmations, it sets the tone for how we will approach challenges or situations throughout the day. 

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, so I say a few nice things to myself. How’s that really going to change anything?” I get it. But here’s the deal: these little phrases, as tiny as they seem, are actually secret power-ups for your day. 

Affirmations can be total mood boosters and they’re backed by cool science stuff too!

new day affirmations

Setting the Stage for Your Affirmation Time

Alright, now that we’re all aboard the affirmation train, let’s chat about setting the stage for your very own affirmation time. 

Luckily, affirmations are super flexible, so you can do them in a way that feels right for you. Feel free to mix and match any of the following tips to create your own personalized morning routine.

  • Comfy Clothes, Big Smiles: Wear your favorite comfy clothes – be it PJs, that old band tee, or your favorite fuzzy slippers. 
  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Stand in front of a mirror while you say your affirmations. Seeing yourself speak the words can be really powerful.
  • Affirmation Alarm: Set a reminder on your phone so that saying your affirmations can be the first thing you do when you wake up.
  • Sing It Out: If you love music, turn your affirmations into a little jingle. Shower concerts are highly recommended. 🚿🎤
  • Sticky Note Surprise: Write down your favorite affirmations on sticky notes and put them in random places throughout your house. You’ll get a pleasant surprise when you come across one during the day.
  • Nature’s Boost: If you’re a nature lover, try saying your affirmations outdoors. Parks, gardens, or even your balcony can be great spots.
  • Self-Care Moment: Combine affirmations with your self-care routine. Say them while you’re doing something that makes you feel good, like taking a bath, enjoying a cup of tea, or while you do your skincare.

powerful daily affirmations

100 New Day Affirmations For A Positive Morning

Now for the main event – here are 100 new day affirmations to kickstart your morning. These positive morning affirmations help to combat negative thought patterns and set the tone for a positive day ahead. Remember to say them with conviction and belief in their power to bring positive energy into your life.

New Day Affirmations to Start The Day With Gratitude

An attitude of gratitude helps us to appreciate the little things and cultivate a positive attitude toward life. They shift our focus from what’s missing to the abundance that’s already present. Start your day off with good energy by expressing gratitude for your blessings.  

  1. I am grateful for another beautiful day.
  2. I am thankful for my health and well-being.
  3. My heart is full of gratitude for the people in my life who love and support me.
  4. I am thankful for the opportunities and experiences that come my way.
  5. I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, and the clothes on my back.
  6. I am thankful for the lessons I’ve learned and the challenges that have made me stronger.
  7. I am thankful for the gift of life and all its possibilities.
  8. Every morning is a fresh start, and I am grateful for it.
  9.  I am thankful for the beauty that surrounds me.
  10. I am grateful for all the moments of joy and happiness in my life.
  11. Each breath I take fills me with thanks for another moment to live my best life.
  12. I am thankful for my body, working tirelessly to keep me healthy and strong.
  13. I am grateful for the peace and quiet of the morning.
  14. I am thankful for the strength and resilience within me.
  15. Each day, I appreciate the chance to learn, grow, and improve.
  16. I am grateful for the laughter and smiles that fill my day.
  17. My life is enriched with loving relationships, for which I am deeply thankful.
  18. I am thankful for the creativity and inspiration that flows through me.
  19. Every morning, I express gratitude for the journey, not just the destination.
  20. I am grateful for the nature around me that brings beauty and calm into my life.

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morning gratitude affirmations

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New Day Affirmations for Embracing Self-Love and Confidence

Self-love is essential for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  It is crucial to start our day with positive affirmations that remind us of our worth and value. Here are 20 new day affirmations focused on self-love and confidence:

  1. I am enough, just as I am.
  2. Today, I choose to love myself unconditionally.
  3. My confidence grows stronger every day.
  4. I believe in myself and my abilities.
  5. I deserve love, happiness, and success.
  6. I am worthy of all the good things in life.
  7. My self-love radiates towards others.
  8. I am beautiful, both inside and out.
  9. I release all negative self-talk about myself and embrace a positive mindset.
  10. I am worthy of love and respect just as I am.
  11. Each day, I grow stronger and more confident.
  12. I embrace my uniqueness and celebrate my individuality.
  13. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams.
  14. I treat myself with kindness and compassion.
  15. I trust my intuition and wisdom.
  16. I am a positive force in my own life.
  17. I am capable of handling anything that comes my way.
  18. I let go of perfectionism and embrace my imperfections.
  19. I love and accept myself completely.
  20. I am proud of who I am becoming.

morning affirmations for women

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New Day Affirmations for Affirming Abundance

Since our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, it’s also important to focus on abundance and success in our daily affirmations. These powerful statements are designed to open your mind and heart to the wealth of opportunities around you.

  1. I am open to receiving all the abundance that comes my way.
  2. Success is my natural state of being.
  3. My potential for success is limitless.
  4. I attract opportunities and prosperity into my life.
  5. Each day, I am moving closer towards my goals and dreams.
  6. I am a magnet for success, and good things naturally flow my way.
  7. Prosperity surrounds me in every aspect of my life.
  8. Every day I attract more joy and abundance.
  9. I possess the power to create positive change in my life.
  10. Abundance comes easily because I am worthy of great things.
  11. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
  12. My actions create constant prosperity.
  13. I am open to new avenues of income.
  14. The universe is generous with health, joy, and abundance.
  15. Every day, I am blessed with new opportunities and wealth.
  16. Money flows to me effortlessly and easily.
  17. My mind is open to receiving all forms of abundance.
  18. I am worthy of success and happiness.
  19. My mindset is aligned with abundance and prosperity.
  20. My potential for prosperity is endless.

You may also enjoy: Boost Your Prosperity: 150 Positive Money Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance

positive abundance affirmations

New Day Affirmations for Spreading Sunshine and Good Vibes

These next affirmations focus on maintaining a hopeful and positive attitude throughout the day, both to yourself and to others. By starting our day with these affirmations, we set the intention to be a source of light and love in the world.

  1. I bring light and joy to my day.
  2. My heart is filled with love and compassion for others.listw
  3. I’m a magnet for positive experiences and happy moments.
  4. My optimism is contagious and lifts others around me.
  5. Good things are coming my way today.
  6. Today is a good day to embrace my beautiful life.
  7. I start my day with positive thoughts, leading me in a positive direction.
  8. Every morning is a new beginning filled with great ways to grow.
  9. I step into the day on the right foot, ready for a wonderful day.
  10. I embrace each new opportunity with open arms and a good mood.
  11. Good news finds me at the right place and the right time.
  12. Today, I am becoming the best version of myself.
  13. I’m determined to make this the best day.
  14. Every challenge is a step towards living my dream life.
  15. I am in a great place to start fresh and make today great.
  16. My morning sets a positive note for the rest of my day.
  17. I tackle hard things with ease, easily turning a bad start into a great day.
  18. Embracing the present moment, I live my best self today.
  19. Simple steps lead me to big achievements and a happy life.
  20. Today, I choose to replace unhelpful thoughts with good thoughts.
  21. Being a happy person is my choice, and I choose it today.
  22. I’m ready to learn new ways to enrich my life and others’.
  23. Each moment today moves me towards a more positive, happy today.
  24. Even if I woke up in a bad mood, I can turn it into a good day.
  25. I am doing the right thing, at the right time, for a beautiful life.

powerful morning affirmations

New Day Affirmations for Chilling Out and Staying Zen

And finally, this list of affirmations wouldn’t be complete without some affirmations to help you stay calm and centered in the midst of a busy morning. It’s your daily reminder to keep cool, stay present, and enjoy the little moments.

  1. I am in control of my thoughts and feelings and I choose to stay calm and relaxed.
  2. I let go of any stress or negative thoughts that do not serve me.
  3. My mind is clear, focused, and at peace.
  4. I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  5. I release any stress or tension from yesterday and start fresh today.
  6. Each breath I take grounds me in the present moment.
  7. Today, I embrace tranquility and let go of worry.
  8. I find serenity in every part of my day.
  9. With each breath, I draw in peace and exhale stress.
  10. My inner peace is my strength, even on busy mornings.
  11. My mind is a sanctuary of peace and clarity.
  12. I move through my day with a peaceful heart and a serene mind.
  13. In the midst of chaos, I am an oasis of calm.
  14. Today, I prioritize peace in my thoughts, words, and actions.
  15. I welcome the day with a calm mind and a smiling heart.

morning affirmations for positive energy

Related: Jumpstart Your Month With These 105 Inspiring New Month Affirmations


Incorporating positive daily affirmations is a simple yet powerful way to set the tone for a great day. 

It’s a great way to shift those pesky negative beliefs and replace them with something brighter and more hopeful. 

And the cool part? You’re literally rewiring your neural pathways for the better – talk about a powerful tool!

Here’s to good mornings that lead to great days!

Until next time,


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