daily gratitude journal

The Power of Gratitude: Why You Should Start a Daily Gratitude Journal Today + 10 Powerful Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts

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Have you ever woken up on the wrong side of the bed? We’ve all been there. Maybe you slept poorly the night before, or you’re dreading an upcoming event. Whatever the reason, sometimes it can be hard to shake off the negative feelings and start your day on a positive note.

But did you know that there’s a simple way to set yourself up for success each morning, simply by taking a few minutes to jot down some things you’re grateful for? It’s true! From improving your physical health to boosting your mood and overall outlook on life, gratitude has some pretty amazing benefits.

Not sure where to get started? Check out these 10 powerful daily gratitude prompts to help get your day started off on the right foot.

10 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts

Introducing a practice of gratitude into your daily routine can be a game-changer. Each of the daily gratitude journal prompts below is designed to guide your reflections and make your daily gratitude journal experience both enriching and effortless.

Let’s dive in!

gratitude journal

1. What are 3 things that happened yesterday that you’re grateful for?

They can be big or small, but just take a few minutes to focus on the positives from your day. Maybe you’re grateful for a delicious breakfast you made for yourself, or perhaps you enjoyed a fun conversation with a friend. Maybe you’re grateful for finally getting around to completing a project you’d been putting off for weeks. Whatever it is, write it down and savor the good vibes !

2. What are 3 things in your life that you’re truly thankful for?

These could be material objects or just aspects of your life in general. For example, maybe you’re grateful for your cozy home, or your loyal furry friend. Maybe you’re thankful for your health, your job, or your creative hobbies. Spend a few moments really thinking about what brings joy into your life—then write it all down.

3. What are 3 things you’d like to have happen in the next 24 hours?

Again, they can be big or small—just whatever floats your boat! But this gratitude journal prompt is also a great way to set intentions for your day and get yourself focused on what you’d like to achieve. Maybe you want to get ahead on work so you can enjoy a relaxed evening later on. Or maybe you want to go for a walk in the park with your partner or best friend. Whatever it is, jot it down and then put any effort necessary into making it happen.

Related: The Daily Habits of Successful People: How to Adopt Them for Your Own Success

4. What am I grateful for in my personal growth and development?

It’s important to check in with yourself every once in a while and ask how far you’ve come. Are you grateful for the progress you’ve made? For the lessons you’ve learned? Or for the new skills and talents that have opened up possibilities for your future? Take some time to give thanks for all of the amazing things that make up who you are as a person today.

Related: The Importance of Having a Personal Growth Plan and How to Get Started

5. What am I grateful for in my relationships with others?

This one can be particularly meaningful if you take the time to reflect on each individual relationship. What do they bring into your life that brings joy or fulfillment? Maybe it’s the support and understanding from your close friends, or perhaps it’s remembering special moments shared with family members. Writing down the answers to this prompt in particular can really bring a sense of warmth and connection to your daily gratitude practice.

6. What are 3 things I can do to help someone else today?

Gratitude isn’t just about reflecting on the good in our own lives—it’s also about showing appreciation for those around us. This journal prompt is a great reminder that there’s always something you can do, no matter how small, to bring joy into another person’s life. Maybe it’s sending an encouraging message, or cooking an extra-special dinner for your family. Whatever it is, take the time to write it down and show kindness wherever possible.

7. What experiences or moments from the past am I grateful for?

This is a powerful gratitude journal prompt for taking a walk down memory lane. When you think back on the things that have brought joy to your life—whether it be an amazing vacation or an enlightening conversation with someone special—it can really help put daily stressors into perspective and give you a newfound appreciation for all of the positive moments that make up your life.

8. What am I looking forward to and grateful for in the future?

This daily gratitude journal prompt is a great reminder to stay hopeful and positive about what’s ahead. Think of the possibilities, write them down and use them as motivation to keep striving towards your dreams.

9. What am I grateful for in my career?

Whether you’re just starting out in your field, or are already established in your chosen profession, take some time to recognize the good that has come from it. Writing down all of the skills and knowledge you’ve gained through work experience will likely you a greater appreciation for what you do daily.

10. In what areas of my life do I now have an abundance of blessings that I often overlook?

This gratitude journal prompt is a fantastic way to reframe daily experiences that you may take for granted. Life can be hard, but once we start to recognize the abundance of blessings in our lives—like financial security, good health, and strong relationships—we can truly begin to appreciate all of the wonderful things life has to offer.

Daily Gratitude Journal Printable

gratitude journal printable
Grab Your 5-Minute Daily Gratitude Journal Printable here

Starting a daily gratitude journal is one of the simplest ways to set yourself up for success each day. And as an added bonus, gratitude has some pretty amazing benefits—from boosting your mood and outlook on life, to improving your physical health! So why not give it a try?

To get started, you can put these 10 daily gratitude journal prompts into action on your own or check out my Daily Gratitude Journal Printable to help guide you through the process. In it, I provide even more life-changing gratitude journal prompts to kick-start your practice.

You might just find that taking a few minutes each morning to reflect on the good in your life makes all the difference in how your day goes!

A to Z Gratitude List

Even after checking out the awesome gratitude journal prompts in this post, you might find yourself craving a bit more inspiration.

So I’ve compiled a simple A to Z gratitude list as a reminder of the vast array of blessings, both big and small, that surround us daily. 😊

  • A – Air that we breathe, keeping us alive and well.
  • B – Books, providing knowledge, entertainment, and comfort.
  • C – Community that supports, uplifts, and strengthens us.
  • D – Dreams that give us hope and a vision for the future.
  • E – Earth, our beautiful planet that sustains all life.
  • F – Family and friends who love and care for us.
  • G – Generosity of strangers and the kindness they spread.
  • H – Health, allowing us to experience life’s adventures.
  • I – Imagination, letting us create and dream beyond our current circumstances.
  • J – Joy in the little moments and big celebrations.
  • K – Knowledge that empowers and enlightens us.
  • L – Love, the universal force binding us all.
  • M – Music that moves our soul and expresses our emotions.
  • N – Nature and its calming, grounding presence.
  • O – Opportunities that challenge and help us grow.
  • P – Peace in quiet moments and serene places.
  • Q – Questions that spark our curiosity and drive us forward.
  • R – Resilience, for the strength to overcome challenges.
  • S – Sunshine that brightens our day and nourishes our world.
  • T – Time, allowing us to make memories and learn from the past.
  • U – Understanding and the empathy it brings.
  • V – Visions of a better future and the inspiration they bring.
  • W – Water, essential for life and a source of refreshment.
  • X – X-factor, the unique qualities in each of us.
  • Y – Youthful energy and the spirit of exploration.
  • Z – Zen moments of meditation and inner peace.

Related: Believe and Receive: 100+ Gratitude Affirmations for Manifesting Success

Final Thoughts: Embracing Everyday Gratitude

So, why keep a gratitude journal? It’s simple: writing down what we’re thankful for can make us feel better and happier.

Whether you’re using the 10 daily gratitude prompts we’ve put together for you, the A to Z gratitude list, or our 5-Minute Daily Gratitude Journal Printable, starting this daily habit can help you see the good stuff in life. Give it a go, and you might just find more things to smile about every day. 😄

Until next time,


daily gratitude prompts

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