A woman with a ponytail stands by a window, holding a cup of coffee and looking outside. She is dressed casually in a tank top and high-waisted pants, embodying the relaxed and peaceful vibe of a slow morning.

Why Everyone’s Raving About Slow Mornings (And You Should Be Too!)

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For many years now, it’s been preached that the key to success is waking up early and getting a head start on your day. The phrase “the early bird gets the worm” has been repeated over and over again, leading us to believe that we needed to be an early riser or constantly on-the-go in order to achieve our goals.

But now, there’s a new trend emerging – slow mornings. 

In contrast to the hustle culture that pushes us to always do more, slow mornings encourage a more mindful approach to starting the day.

Keep reading to explore what slow mornings involve, essential elements to include in your routine, its benefits, and actionable tips to make it work for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Taking time for a slow morning can boost mental clarity and help you focus throughout the day.
  • Avoiding screens first thing in the morning reduces stress and anxiety levels significantly.
  • Engaging in mindfulness or gratitude practices starts the day off on a positive note, and improves overall mood and emotional well-being.
  • Planning your mornings the night before ensures a relaxed start without rushing through tasks.

A woman lounges in bed, wrapped in a blanket and holding a cup of coffee, with a content expression on her face. The morning sunlight softly illuminates the room, highlighting a serene and cozy atmosphere perfect for a slow morning.

Defining Slow Mornings

Slow mornings involve starting your day with intention and calm, rather than rushing through tasks. Instead of jumping out of bed and immediately checking your phone or tackling your to-do list , a slow morning allows you to ease into your day. This might include enjoying a cup of coffee, spending time with family, or simply taking a few quiet moments to yourself. The goal is to create a relaxed morning routine that sets the tone for the rest of the day.

The Benefits of Embracing Slow Mornings

Taking a little bit of extra time for yourself in the morning comes with a host of perks that can positively impact your entire day. Here are some key benefits of starting slow.

Enhances Mental Clarity and Focus

By allowing yourself a slow and mindful start, you can enhance your mental health, clarity, and focus. Without the rush, your mind has the time to wake up naturally and process thoughts and plans for the rest of your day. 

Reduces Anxiety and Stress Levels

Another major benefit of slow mornings is that they can significantly reduce anxiety and stress levels. When you begin your day calmly, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed by your to-do list. This sense of calm can extend throughout the day to help you manage challenges more effectively. In addition, a calm start to your day can have a positive and soothing effect on your body’s nervous system.

A person lies in bed with feet visible, looking out through open double doors to a lush, green landscape. The tranquil scene and soft morning light create a perfect setting for a slow morning.

Increases Overall Productivity

It might seem counterintuitive, but starting slow can actually increase your productivity. When you take the time to center yourself in the morning, you’re better prepared to tackle tasks efficiently and with a clear mind.

Improves Mood Throughout the Day

Starting your day without rushing can help maintain a good mood throughout the day.  Rushing and feeling stressed first thing in the morning can set a negative tone for the rest of your day. By starting slow, you can enjoy a more positive outlook and mindset.

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Promotes a Healthier Lifestyle

Incorporating healthy habits, like a nutritious breakfast and gentle stretching, can boost your physical health. Plus, taking the time to care for yourself in the morning can set a positive tone for the rest of your day and encourage you to continue making healthy choices.

A flat lay of a healthy breakfast setup, featuring a bowl of oatmeal topped with strawberries and blueberries, a bottle of milk, a cup of coffee, and fresh strawberries scattered on the table. The scene is accented with a gold spoon, a white napkin, and a vase of white daisies, creating a fresh and inviting atmosphere for a slow morning meal.

Allows Time for Mindfulness and Gratitude

Slow mornings allow you the perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness and express gratitude. Take a few moments to reflect on things you are grateful for, set intentions for the day, or simply enjoy the present moment (incorporating simple activities, like savoring your morning coffee or taking a deep breath, can help you stay present and mindful). Doing so can have a positive impact on your overall well-being and outlook on life.

Improved Relationships

Slow mornings allow you to spend more calm, quality moments with your family members. Instead of rushing through breakfast or not having time for meaningful conversations, you can start your day from a relaxed place, which helps to create a more harmonious home environment.

A happy family engages in a fun morning exercise routine in their bedroom. The father and mother, dressed in pajamas, smile and stretch while their young child joyfully mimics their movements. The cozy and playful scene highlights the positive impact of slow mornings on family bonding.

Reduces Decision Fatigue

Planning your morning ahead and skipping the snooze button can help you start with clear intentions and a fresh mindset. When you take the time to make decisions ahead of time, like choosing your outfit, planning meals or prioritizing tasks for the day, you can reduce decision fatigue and feel more in control of your day.

Encourages Time for Meaningful Reflection

And lastly, slow mornings allow us time for quiet contemplation and reflection, which can lead to personal growth, increased self-awareness, and a more positive outlook on life. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and forget to take a step back and reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Slow mornings provide us with the opportunity to do just that.

A vase of fresh white daisies sits on a table by a sunlit window, with a blurred view of a green garden in the background. The scene captures a calm and serene ambiance, perfect for enjoying and reflecting on a slow morning.

Essential Elements of a Slow Morning 

Allowing for a slower morning can transform how you begin your day and help you feel more centered and calm. While everyone’s ideal slow morning may look a bit different, these are what I consider the essential elements to include in your slower morning routine:

Plan the Evening Before

Preparing for your slow morning the night before can make a huge difference. Set out your clothes, plan your healthy breakfast, and make a list of things you want to accomplish the next day. This helps you start your day with a clear mind and less stress, allowing for a more balanced approach to your daily routine.

Skip the Screens in the Morning

Avoid reaching for your phone or laptop as soon as you wake up. Instead, spend the first moments of your day disconnected from screens and social media. This allows you to focus on yourself and your surroundings without the distractions of emails or the latest social media updates.

A close-up of a woman holding a white mug of coffee, stirring it with a spoon. She has dark red nail polish, and the scene emphasizes the cozy, relaxed vibe of a slow morning.

Engage in Gratitude, Mindfulness, and/or Self-Care Practices

Incorporate activities that promote mental and emotional well-being. Spend a few minutes journaling about things you’re grateful for, meditate to center yourself, or engage in self-care practices like a gentle stretch or enjoying a cup of coffee. These activities can promote a greater sense of self-awareness, reduce stress, and increase your overall well-being.

Add Movement

A slow morning doesn’t mean staying in bed all day. Incorporating some form of movement like gentle yoga stretching, a leisurely walk, or even a couple of minutes of Pilates, can boost your energy levels and improve your mood. This simple practice can help wake up your body and mind and help prepare you for whatever the day brings.

10 Top Tips to Help You Start Your Own Slow Morning Routine

If you’re interested in starting to incorporate slow mornings into your daily life, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Start Small and Build
    Don’t try to completely overhaul your morning routine all at once. Start with one small change, like waking up 15 minutes earlier, and gradually add on more activities as you become comfortable with the slower pace. Gradual adjustments will help your body adapt without feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Listen to Music
    Create a calm and soothing atmosphere by playing some soft music in the background. This can help you relax and set a peaceful tone for your morning. Try some instrumental or nature sounds for a more tranquil experience.
  3. Enjoy a Morning Beverage
    Whether it’s a cup of tea, coffee, or warm water with lemon, take some time to savor your favorite drink and gradually wake up. Sounds simple, but this can be an incredibly mindful experience that really helps you slow down and appreciate the present moment. 🍵
  4. Plan Your Outfit and Breakfast The Night Before
    Take some time the night before to plan out your outfit and breakfast for the next morning. This will save you time and decision-making in the morning, allowing you to focus on enjoying a slow morning.
  5. Embrace Silence
    In the bustle of modern life, we are constantly surrounded by noise and distractions. Take some time in the morning to enjoy the silence and just be with your thoughts. Avoid technology and social media during this time to truly disconnect and recharge. Use the time to reflect and set your intentions for the rest of the day.
  6. Incorporate Gentle Movement
    Start your day with some gentle stretching, yoga, or my favorite – a leisurely walk to get your body moving and boost your energy levels. 🚶‍♀️These activities can help you connect with your body and start the day feeling grounded and energized.
  7. Do Something Creative
    Use your slow morning as a time to engage in a creative activity like writing, painting, drawing, or anything else that allows you to express yourself and tap into your creativity. This can be a great way to start your day feeling inspired and fulfilled.
  8. Spend Time Outdoors
    Take advantage of the early morning hours and spend some time outdoors in nature. This could be a walk, run, bike ride, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air. Being in nature has numerous benefits for our mental and physical well-being, so incorporating it into your slow and gentle morning routine can have an extremely positive impact on your day.
  9. Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude
    Use your slow morning to practice mindfulness and gratitude. This could be through meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few moments to reflect on all the things you are grateful for in your life. Nurturing a sense of mindfulness and gratitude can help bring more positivity and joy into your day.
  10. Do Something You Love
    Dedicate a few minutes each morning to an activity that brings you joy, whether it’s reading a favorite book, practicing a hobby, or simply enjoying quiet moments with family members. This can make your mornings feel enriching and special.


What is a slow morning?

A slow morning involves taking time to start your day gently, without rushing from one task to the next.

Why is everyone raving about slow mornings?

People love slow mornings because they offer a great way to reduce stress and improve their daily routine.

What if I have a busy schedule and can’t afford to start my mornings slow?

Starting your mornings slow doesn’t necessarily mean you need to devote hours to it. Even taking just 15-30 minutes to yourself can make a huge difference in setting a positive tone for your day. Find little things that you can do during that time to make you happy and relaxed. Even if it’s just a few minutes, it will be worth it.

A person lies in bed under white blankets, reading a magazine with a cup of coffee resting nearby. The peaceful morning light adds to the serene and relaxing atmosphere of a slow morning.

Is it bad if I’m not a morning person?

No, it’s not a bad thing! Different needs mean some people prefer starting their day later or need more sleep than others.

What if I can’t stick to a strict routine every day?

That’s okay! Flexibility is important and life happens. As long as you prioritize self-care and mindfulness in some way each morning, that’s all that matters. Don’t put pressure on yourself to stick to a strict routine every single day

What are some simple activities I can incorporate into my slow morning routine?

There are plenty of simple activities that can make your morning more calm and enjoyable. You could try gentle stretching, enjoying a cup of matcha tea, journaling, meditating, or even just using an essential oil diffuser filled with your favorite scent. These small practices can help create a more balanced and enriching start to your day.

Interested in learning even more about the Slow Living Movement? Be sure to check out The Art of Slow Living: 7 Simple Ways to Incorporate Slow Living Into Your Daily Routine


Slow mornings are a great way to start your day with intention and calm. By making small changes to your morning habits, you can enjoy many benefits, from better mental health to improved focus and relationships. Remember, even a little bit of effort can lead to significant improvements in your daily life. Start today and see how a slow morning can make your days more enjoyable and fulfilling. 🌞

Until next time,


Pinterest pin for the blog post titled 'Why Everyone's Raving About Slow Mornings (And You Should Be Too!)'. The pin displays a sunny illustration with the words 'Slow Morning Rituals to Transform Your Life'. Below, a pastel pink coffee mug filled with frothy coffee is placed on a light gray surface, accompanied by soft pink magnolia flowers. The website 'latoyarachelle.com' is shown at the bottom.

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