funny affirmations

Top 80 Funny Affirmations to Brighten Up Your Day

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Feeling down? Need a good laugh and a pick-me-up? Look no further! Here are 80 hilarious affirmations that will put a smile on your face and make your day a little brighter. 

Benefits of Funny Positive Affirmations 😎

Before we dive in, let’s quickly talk about why affirmations are so effective. Positive affirmations work by rewiring our brains to think more positively and believe in ourselves. When we repeat these affirmations, we start to truly believe them and see positive changes in our lives. And when they’re funny? Well, laughter is the best medicine, right? 

So let’s get started!

80 Funny Daily Affirmations 🤪

  1. I’m so awesome, even my coffee agrees!
  2. Today, I will sparkle like glitter in a sandstorm.
  3. I attract positivity like a magnet attracts paperclips.
  4. I’m not clumsy; I’m just practicing my interpretive dance moves !
  5. My smile can light up a room and confuse a power outage.
  6. I am the CEO of my own happiness, and business is booming!
  7. I am not lazy; I’m on energy-saving mode.
  8. I am a human being, not a human doing. So, I’ll just be fabulous today!
  9. I can turn any situation into a dance party.
  10. My optimism is so contagious, even my pessimistic neighbor is catching it.
  11. My smile can light up a room and blind my enemies.
  12. Today, I choose to be happy and make everyone else’s day miserable.
  13. I am a ray of sunshine in a world full of clouds.
  14. I will not compare myself to others; I am too unique for that!
  15. My imperfections make me perfectly awesome.
  16. I am the Michelangelo of my life, and I’m sculpting a masterpiece!
  17. I’m not procrastinating; I’m just waiting for the right moment to amaze everyone.
  18. I am the Picasso of positivity and I create masterpieces with my mindset.
  19. Today, I choose to be as carefree as a balloon at a kid’s birthday party.
  20. I don’t sweat the small stuff because I’m too busy creating a big life.
  21. I am a work of art in progress, and I’m enjoying every brushstroke.
  22. I radiate good vibes so strongly that even my Wi-Fi signal is jealous!
  23. Today, I choose to believe in myself and my abilities, no matter how ridiculous they may seem.
  24. I am the limited edition of awesome, there’s no one else quite like me.
  25. My confidence is like a postage stamp – small but sticks to everything I touch.
  26. Every day brings a new chance to be ridiculously amazing at being myself.
  27. I’m not lost; I’m just taking the scenic route to success.
  28. Today and every day, I choose confidence over doubt, laughter over tears, and courage over fear.
  29. My positive statements are so funny; they could make a grumpy cat laugh!
  30. I emit funny vibes that can turn the worst day into a comedy show.
  31. I attract awesome things with my amazing sense of humor.
  32. My list of funny affirmations is longer than a giraffe’s neck!
  33. I’m the best way to brighten up a bad day!
  34. My funny bone is a renewable source of energy.
  35. I’m the right energy for every room I enter.
  36. My positive thoughts are even more powerful than a superhero.
  37. I turn frowns upside down faster than Santa Claus delivering presents.
  38. The next time life throws me a curveball, I’ll respond with a plot twist.
  39. Finding the funny in everything is part of my daily routine.
  40. I’m in a better mood than a cat with a lifetime supply of catnip.
  41. I handle difficult people with humor and grace.
  42. Even on a Monday morning, I radiate positive vibes.
  43. Dealing with difficult people is just another part of my life comedy routine.
  44. I attract a happy tribe with my positive outlook and sense of humor.
  45. Negative people can’t dampen my positive mindset.
  46. I’m a magnet for good things, funny ideas, and lots of self-love.
  47. Laughter is my best friend, and we’re inseparable.
  48. I start my day with positive funny affirmations because they are the greatest middle finger of all time to negativity.
  49. I sure am a hilarious and ridiculously amazing person.
  50. Dear Universe, thank you for making me the funniest person in the room.
  51. The best time to laugh is right now, and I’m always on time.
  52. The lighter side of life is my favorite place to be.
  53. I take a deep breath and exhale bad vibes like an orchestra conductor.
  54. I find the humor in every little bit of life.
  55. I’m the conductor of the laughter orchestra, and everyone’s clapping.
  56. I embrace each cloudy day with a sunny disposition.
  57. I handle difficult people like a gangsta rap star – with style and grace.
  58. Oscar Wilde would be jealous of my witty comebacks.
  59. I can take life seriously and still have a sense of humor.
  60. My funny bone is unbreakable, even in the toughest times.
  61. Dear Universe, please give me an endless supply of dad jokes.
  62. Happiness flows through me like a river – sometimes it’s gentle, other times it’s a tidal wave.
  63. Life may be tough, but I’m tougher and funnier.
  64. I make people laugh because it’s the best revenge against negative energy.
  65. My sense of humor is like a muscle – the more I use it, the stronger it gets.
  66. Good vibes only? More like good vibes ALWAYS!
  67. Dear Universe, thank you for giving me an unlimited supply of sarcasm.
  68. I’m having a ridiculously amazing day, and it’s not even noon yet.
  69. Humor is my coping mechanism for life’s challenges.
  70. I have the best sense of humor in the world, and I’m not afraid to show it.
  71. Every day is a beautiful day when you see the funny side of life.
  72. I handle negative people with grace, humor, and a smile.
  73. I am a magnet for good vibes and belly laughs.
  74. My wit is sharper than a Ginsu knife.
  75. Smiling is my favorite thing to do – even when no one’s looking.
  76. I’m not bossy; I’m just highly persuasive.
  77. I’ve got 99 problems, but my sense of humor ain’t one.
  78. When life gives me lemons, I add vodka and throw a party.
  79. I don’t sweat the small stuff; I wear it as glitter.
  80. I’m like a fine wine; I get better with age, and I pair well with cheese and laughter.

You may also enjoy: Bold and Brilliant: 100 Sassy Affirmations for Your Daily Life

How to Use Funny Positive Affirmations: Because Life’s Too Short for a Grumpy Face! 😄

So, you’ve got this list of hilarious, mood-boosting affirmations, but now what? 

Here are a few ways to incorporate them into your daily routine:

Start Your Day with a Chuckle 😆

Why not kick off your day with a hearty dose of humor? Place your favorite funny affirmation on your bathroom mirror or on your bedside table. When you wake up and see it, you’ll start your day with a smile so big that the sun will ask you for sunglasses! 😎

Create a Personalized Routine 🗓️

Make affirmations a part of your daily routine. Whether it’s during your morning coffee, while brushing your teeth, or waiting for your toast to pop, take a moment to recite a few of your favorite funny affirmations. Trust me, it’s a much better way to start your day than arguing with your snooze button.

Sticky Notes Everywhere! 📝

Spread positivity (and laughter) throughout your space by leaving sticky notes with affirmations in unexpected places. Your refrigerator (the best thing for sticky notes), your office desk, or even inside your favorite book can become little pockets of hilarity to brighten your day when you least expect it.

Affirmations on the Go 🚗

Create a list of affirmations on your phone (part of your daily routine, right?) or write them on index cards. Whenever you’re stuck in a difficult situation, waiting in line (the not-so-fun part of life), or enduring a tedious meeting (we’ve all been there), whip out your list of funny affirmations for a quick mood lift. Who says traffic jams can’t be hilarious?

Share the Laughs 😂

Share your favorite funny affirmations with friends and family (your best friends will appreciate it). You never know when someone else might need a good laugh or a little positivity boost. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to bond over shared humor and spread good vibes like confetti at a parade!

Laugh at Yourself! 🤣

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun with these affirmations. Don’t take them (or yourself) too seriously. Laugh at yourself, embrace your quirks, and revel in the delightful absurdity of life. After all, if you can’t laugh at life’s curveballs, you’re not playing the game right!

funny positive affirmations

And That’s a Wrap – Time to Grin and Go! 😁

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the powerful tool of humorous affirmations!

And now that you have 80 funny daily affirmations at your disposal, it’s time to get out there and conquer the day with a smile on your face. 

From finding the funny side of every situation to celebrating the little things that make life good today, amazing things can happen when you embrace the hilarious side of life.

So whenever you need a pick-me-up, just come back to this list and let the laughter roll. 

May your days be filled with laughter and joy! 🎉

Until next time,


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