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Discover the Secrets to Feeling Good About Yourself: 9 Ways to Build Your Self Confidence and Boost Your Self Esteem

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We all have moments where we feel down about ourselves. Maybe we didn’t get the job we wanted, or we didn’t do as well as we’d hoped on a project.

It’s normal to have these feelings from time to time, but if you find that your self-esteem is consistently low, it might be time to do something about it.

Doing the work to build your self confidence and boost your self-esteem can seem like a daunting task, but there are actually quite a few simple things you can do to make a big difference.

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#1 – Start by Being Kind to Yourself

This one may sound simple, but positive self-talk is one of the most effective ways to build your self-confidence. Make sure that you are speaking positively about yourself and treating yourself with kindness, respect, and understanding.

Say positive things to yourself every day, both out loud and in your head.

Allow yourself to make mistakes without beating yourself up about them. Focus on the things that make you unique—your talents, personal characteristics, or interests.

Celebrate those attributes!

boost your self esteem

#2 – Write Down Your Accomplishments

If you want to keep track of all the amazing things that you do, it helps to write them down somewhere—even if it’s just in the Notes app on your phone or in a journal.

This way, when you feel like nothing is going right and your self-esteem is tanking, you can look back on this list and remember all the times that you succeeded at something and remind yourself of your greatness.

mindfulness journal
Grab your Mindfulness Journal printable here

#3 – Create Your Own Mantra

Creating a mantra that speaks to your areas of strength can help you build up your sense of worth.

Write down some words or phrases that reflect the qualities that you have, like “I am capable”, “I am worthy”, “I am enough”, or even “I am THAT girl”, and repeat them to yourself whenever you need a confidence boost.

Related: 101 Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Self-Worth

#4 – Take Time for Self Care

Self-care is an important part of improving your overall well-being—including mental health.

Take time each day to do something that nourishes your soul like reading a good book or taking a warm bubble bath. Make sure to take breaks during the day too, so you can relax and refresh your mind.

You may also enjoy: 63 Self-Care Affirmations to Spotlight Your Worth

#5 – Set Small Goals & Celebrate Achievements

Set realistic goals for yourself and celebrate when you reach them, no matter how small they may be.

It can be discouraging when goals seem too far out of reach; setting small goals can help break them down into manageable chunks that feel achievable.

Once these goals have been reached, take the time to celebrate!

It doesn’t need to be anything big; just a simple act like treating yourself to dinner or buying a new outfit can help boost your confidence levels as well as remind you that you are capable of achieving great things!

how to build your confidence as a woman

#6 – Surround Yourself With Positive People

Your friends and family have a huge influence on how you see yourself, so make sure that the people in your life are supportive and encouraging—not critical or judgmental.

If you notice that someone is regularly undermining your confidence, take a step back and re-evaluate your relationship with that person.

Make sure that the conversations you have with them are positive and uplifting and focus on the things that make you feel good about each other.

You may also enjoy: Letting Go of Toxic Family Members: Tips for Going No Contact

#7 – Take Care of Yourself Physically

Eating healthy foods, getting enough exercise, and getting enough sleep will all help you feel better both mentally and physically. Exercise releases endorphins, which can reduce stress levels and give you a sense of accomplishment. Make sure to drink enough water as well—it helps keep your mind clear and focused.

Additionally, taking care of yourself physically can help keep your energy levels up and make it easier to feel more confident in how you look and feel better about who you are.

You may also enjoy: Creating Healthy Habits: 4 Tips for Long-Time Success

#8 – Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is another great way to boost your self esteem levels while also increasing your overall happiness level too! 

Take time each day to write down a few things that you are grateful for.

This could be anything from having a roof over your head or being able to have the freedom to express yourself.

Focusing on what you already have and appreciating it will help remind you of all the wonderful blessings in life and give you an extra boost.

You may also enjoy: Believe and Receive: 100+ Gratitude Affirmations for Manifesting Success

#9 – Do Something Nice for Someone Else

Doing kind deeds for others can make us feel good about ourselves and can often lead to better relationships with the people around us. 

That’s why it is important to do something nice for someone else every day, even if it’s something small like buying coffee for the person behind you in line. 

Helping out a friend in need or volunteering your time can be incredibly rewarding and remind you of just how valuable you are as an individual and help to build up your sense of worth.

You may also enjoy: The Joy of Giving Back: Learn How Volunteering and Acts of Kindness Can Improve Your Community and Boost Your Mood Too!

how to overcome low self esteem

Be Patient With Yourself

The power of self-esteem and self-confidence is often underestimated.

However, it’s important not to forget that building confidence and self-esteem takes time — allow yourself space as well as patience while making these changes in your life.

Change doesn’t always happen overnight but with a little perseverance, you WILL begin to see the positive rewards for your efforts.

building your self confidence

Feeling good about yourself can make all the difference in how you approach life, and working to improve in this area is SO worth it.

Remember that everyone is different and has their own unique qualities — don’t compare yourself with other people but instead focus on developing the best version of yourself!

By being kinder towards yourself, writing down your accomplishments, creating your own mantra, taking time for self-care, surrounding yourself with positive people, celebrating your small achievements, taking care of yourself physically, practicing gratitude, performing small acts of kindness for others, and being patient in the process, you can start making progress towards feeling better about who you are as an individual!

Keep these tips in mind next time you need a bit extra encouragement in building confidence and improving self-esteem -you got this!

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