how to take inspired action

Manifesting Miracles: How Inspired Action Makes It Happen

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Have you ever had a moment where you felt a strong inner urge to do something, almost like a gut feeling or a sudden burst of motivation?

That’s what I call “inspired action,” and it has a significant role in making your dreams a reality.

Taking inspired action can help you achieve your goals and manifest the things you desire in life.

No magic wands or mystical forces involved—just a practical approach to understanding how your actions can bring about remarkable changes in your life.

Ready to learn how to harness the power of inspired action to make your dreams come true?

Let’s get started!

What is Inspired Action?

Inspired action is not just any kind of action. It’s not something you do out of obligation or routine.

It’s not even something that you plan and strategize for months on end.

Inspired action comes from a deeper place; it’s an inner knowing, a strong pull towards something that you feel called to do.

It refers to taking action that feels right, motivated, and aligned with your goals and desires.

Unlike routine or forced actions, inspired actions come naturally and are driven by a sense of true purpose and/or intuitive guidance.

Think of inspired action as the action step you take when you’re in the zone, passionate about a project, or excited about pursuing a goal.

It’s a feeling that you can’t shake off and one that motivates you to move forward without hesitation.

When you listen to your intuition and take inspired action, miracles happen

What Is The Difference Between Regular Action and Inspired Action?

While action refers to any physical or mental effort we put into achieving a goal, inspired action goes beyond that.

Unlike routine actions, which can feel mundane and forced, inspired action brings a sense of flow and alignment.

Regular Action:

  • Often feels obligatory or forced.
  • Driven by external factors or pressures.
  • May not align with your goals and core desires.
  • Can lead to burnout or lack of fulfillment.
  • Lacks a sense of passion or enthusiasm.
  • May produce results, but they may not be deeply satisfying.

Inspired Action:

  • Feels natural and motivated.
  • Arises from internal inspiration or intuition.
  • Aligned with your true desires and aspirations.
  • Energizes and rejuvenates you.
  • Accompanied by a strong sense of purpose.
  • Tends to produce fulfilling and meaningful outcomes.

You may also enjoy: Manifesting With Confidence: How to Know You’re in Vibrational Alignment

inspired action

Why the Law of Inspired Action Works

When we take inspired action, we tap into the power of our intuition and inner wisdom.

We may not have all the answers or a clear path, but when we trust our instincts and take action towards our goals, things start to fall into place.

This process is a reflection of the universal law that governs the flow of energy and intention throughout the universe.

Inspired action also works by aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with what we want to manifest, which is a fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction.

When we are in a positive state of mind and believe that we can achieve our desires, we attract more opportunities and resources that help us reach our goals.

Imagine that the universe is like a giant mirror, reflecting back to us what we put out into the world.

When we take inspired action, our thoughts and emotions are positive and focused on our desires, so the energy of the universe responds by bringing more of that ‘good stuff’ into our lives.

The Role of Inspired Action in Manifestation

Manifestation refers to the process of turning your thoughts and desires into reality.

It involves setting intentions, taking action, and trusting in the universe to bring you what you desire.

While a lot of people think that manifestation is just repeating affirmations and the cliché ‘just think positive!’, the truth is there’s so much more to it than that.

Inspired action plays a crucial role in manifesting miracles.

Here’s a simplified overview of the manifestation process so you can see how:

#1 – Set Clear Intentions

Begin with a clear understanding of what you want. You need to identify your goals, aspirations, and the life you envision for yourself.

#2 – Practice Visualization

Visualization involves mentally picturing your desired outcome as if it has already happened. Regular practice helps you align your thoughts and emotions with your goals.

#3 – Believe and Affirm

You must genuinely believe that your goals are achievable and affirm them regularly. Positive self-talk reinforces your confidence in the manifestation process. Also, remember to cultivate gratitude for what you already have and maintain a high-vibration energy. 

#4 – Inspired Action

This is where inspired action comes into play. Instead of merely wishing for your desires, this most important step requires that you actively engage in the type of action that moves you closer to them.

#5 – Stay Receptive to Opportunities

Manifestation often involves being open to unexpected opportunities, signs, and synchronicities that align with your desires.

#6 – Be Patient and Trust That Good Things Are On Their Way to You

Manifestation can take time, so patience and trust are essential. The next step is to let go of attachment to the outcome and trust in the process. Continue to hold the belief that what you desire is on its way.

law of inspired action

As you can see, inspired action is a critical link between step 3 (believing and affirming) and step 5 (staying receptive to opportunities).

It’s the practical bridge that transforms your thoughts and intentions into actual real-world results.

Without taking inspired action, your manifestation journey can get stuck and lose its momentum. 

How to Take Inspired Action

Now that you understand the concept of inspired action, here’s how you can start incorporating it into your daily life:

  • Trust Your Intuition: Pay attention to your inner nudges and gut feelings. They often hold valuable insights and divine guidance towards the right actions to take.
  • Clarify Your Goals: I need you to get crystal clear about what you want to manifest in your life. The more specific and detailed your goals, the easier it is to identify actions that will lead you toward them.
  • Take Small Inspired Steps: Whenever you receive an intuitive nudge or a sense of inspiration, I want you to promptly take small steps towards it. Breaking down bigger goals into smaller, manageable tasks makes them easier to tackle.
  • Keep an Open Mind: Be open to unexpected opportunities and be ready to change direction if necessary. Sometimes, the universe has a better plan for us than we could have ever imagined.
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity: Make sure you’re in an environment that fuels your inspiration. Hang out with successful people who are supportive and uplifting, do things that bring you joy, and consume content that motivates and teaches you.
  • Celebrate Your Progress: This one’s important! Celebrate every step you take towards your goals, no matter how small. Acknowledging being grateful for the progress will keep you motivated and inspired to continue taking action.

Make conscious choices and be receptive to the guidance that surrounds you. With inspired action, you can manifest miracles in your life.

what is inspired action

How to Cultivate a Mindset for Inspired Action

Now that you know how to take inspired action, let’s dive into the mindset that makes it all possible.

Taking action guided by inspiration requires a certain frame of mind—one that’s receptive, intuitive, and aligned with your inner wisdom.

Here are some tips to help you align with a place of inspiration and really tap in:

  • Quiet Your Mind
    Amongst the chaos of our busy lives, it’s important to take the time to create moments of stillness. You can find often stillness through meditation, mindfulness practices, or by simply being in nature. Doing so will help you notice when inspiration strikes and be more attuned to your inner guidance.
  • Practice Self-Care
    Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is crucial for being able to take inspired action. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or drained, it can be hard to tune into your source of inspiration. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, nourishment, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
  • Embrace Being Creative
    Creativity is at the heart of inspired action. Get involved in activities that ignite your imagination. Painting, writing, music, or any form of artistic expression can all help you tap into your intuitive side.

How to Overcome Challenges, Resistance, and Doubts

While cultivating a mindset for inspired action is essential, challenges and doubts may still arise. Here’s how to address them:

  • Identify Common Challenges
    It’s totally normal to come across challenges and doubts when you’re taking inspired action. Some common obstacles include fear of failure, self-doubt, and skepticism from others.
  • Practice Self-Compassion
    Be kind to yourself when facing challenges. Being self-compassionate helps you navigate tough moments with more ease and resilience.
  • Reframe Your Limiting Beliefs
    Challenge and reframe the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. I’m a big believer in replacing negative self-talk with empowering affirmations that support your journey. Be sure to check out the inspired action affirmations below.
  • Stay Committed
    Maintain your commitment to your goals even when encountering setbacks. Persistence often leads to breakthroughs.
  • Let Go of Attachment to the Outcome
    Understand that being too attached to a specific outcome can create a lot of resistance and anxiety. While you work hard toward your goals, stay open to the possibility that the journey itself may lead to unexpected and equally rewarding outcomes.

By cultivating a receptive mindset and addressing challenges and doubts with these strategies, you’ll be better prepared to take inspired action on your path to manifesting your desires.

take inspired action

10 Powerful Affirmations to Fuel Inspired Action

Affirmations are a powerful tool to help cultivate a positive and receptive mindset.

Repeat these affirmations regularly to engage your subconscious mind and you’ll find yourself better equipped to take meaningful steps toward manifesting your dream life.

Here are ten powerful affirmations to inspire and motivate you to take inspired action:

  1. I am capable of taking inspired action towards my dreams and goals.
  2. My intuition guides me towards the right actions at the right time.
  3. I trust in the process and surrender to divine timing.
  4. I release all doubts and fears, and embrace inspired action with confidence.
  5. I am open and receptive to opportunities that align with my desires.
  6. Every step I take towards my goals brings me closer to manifesting miracles.
  7. My actions are infused with purpose, passion, and determination.
  8. Inspiration flows through me effortlessly.
  9. I am worthy of achieving my dreams.
  10. I am a source of positive change in my life and the lives of others.

inspired action quotes

My Real-Life Success Story: How Inspired Action Changed My Life

I remember being stuck in a job that sucked the life out of me and left me feeling empty. Logging on for work each day felt physically painful and I couldn’t imagine doing it for the rest of my life.

I longed for something more fulfilling. In my heart, I just knew there was something else out there for me.

I also had this persistent desire to create something of my own and be my own boss, often visualizing myself as a successful entrepreneur.

But fear held me back for a long time from taking inspired action. What if I fail? What if I can’t find anything better? These doubts kept me stuck in a job that didn’t fulfill me.

Then one day, it hit me like a ton of bricks—I had to quit my job.

It wasn’t just a fleeting thought; it was a gut feeling, a deep sense of realization that I couldn’t ignore any longer.

That’s often what inspired action feels like.

It’s not just a passing thought or idea; it’s a gut instinct, a deep inner knowing that pushes you forward.

So I took a leap of faith and quit my job without having anything else lined up.

And guess what? Amazing new opportunities started presenting themselves almost immediately!

It was as if everything started to line up to support my decision. Signs and synchronicities began to appear, reassuring me that I was on the right path and headed in the right direction.

Once I let go of fear and took aligned action, my true passion and purpose revealed itself to me.

It didn’t happen overnight, of course. But that first step towards inspired action put me in the right place and set me on the path to where I am today.

And let me tell you, I’m so grateful for where I am.

I turned my love for writing into a successful blogging career, and I get to inspire and touch the lives of others with my words.

Taking inspired action and following my heart has truly opened up a world of possibilities for me. I’m manifesting the life of my dreams, and it brings me so much joy!

inspired action definition

Explore More on Manifestation

Ready to dive deeper into the world of manifestation? These additional resources provide a wealth of knowledge and insights to further enhance your understanding and mastery of manifesting miracles and identifying which manifestation method resonates most with you.

Manifesting Miracles: Here’s Your Action Plan

Now, I’m not telling everyone reading this to go out and quit their jobs! I get it, it’s scary to step out of your comfort zone.

But for me, it was the first step towards creating a life that truly fulfills me.

Inspired action looks different for everyone.

So if you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current situation, I challenge you to listen to that inner voice and take action towards something that truly excites you.

It could be a small step, like signing up for a class or starting a side hustle. Or it could be a bigger inspired idea, like quitting your job or moving to a new city. What great idea are you sitting on?

Whatever it is, trust in the process and have faith that taking inspired action will lead you towards manifesting a few miracles of your own.

Until next time,


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