act as if technique

Act As If: Your Complete Guide to Supercharging Your Manifestation Results

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Hello, gorgeous!

Have you ever heard the phrase “act as if” when it comes to manifestation? It’s an approach that has been gaining popularity recently, but it can be a little confusing.

What does “act as if” mean exactly, and how does it help us manifest our desires?

Well, when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifesting what you want in life, the way you think, feel, and act holds immense power.

The “Act as If” technique is a form of visualization that helps you manifest your desires faster and more efficiently.

In this complete guide, I’m going to explain exactly what the ‘Act As If’ technique is, why it works so well, and how to use it to supercharge your manifestation results.

What is the “Act as If” Technique?

The act-as-if technique is the practice of acting as if you already have what it is that you desire.

It has to do with aligning your thoughts, feelings, and behavior with the thing as if it were already here in your life.

It’s a mindset shift, a powerful way of thinking, feeling, and behaving as if your desires have already materialized.

You step into the role of the person you aspire to be and start living that reality right now.

The idea behind this technique is that by consistently behaving and speaking as if you have what it is that you want, you can create a vibration within yourself that will attract the thing you desire into your life.

Why Does it Work?

The ‘act as if’ technique works because it resonates with the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that what we focus on, think about, feel, and act upon will create our reality.

So when we adopt the mindset of acting as if we already have what it is that we desire, our vibration changes to match that energy, and this is what attracts the manifestation into our life.

When you “act as if,” you’re sending out a clear and powerful signal to the universe. You’re saying, “This is who I am, and this is what I want.”

And when you do this, you’re creating a seamless bridge between your current reality and the one you’re manifesting, making it easier for your dreams to become your actual life.

How Can You Start Using the Act As If Technique?

To start working with the ‘act as if’ technique, you need to be clear on what it is that you want to manifest into your life.

Related: How to Set Intentions That Will Help You Manifest Your Dreams and Create a Fulfilling Life

Once you have that clarity, start getting in the mindset of what it will feel like when you’ve achieved your goal or already have it.

Pay attention to the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behavior associated with having it.

From there, practice speaking and behaving as if you already have what it is that you want.

This might include things like dressing the part, talking to people in a way that reflects how you’ll sound when you’ve achieved your dreams, and using phrases that align with the reality of what you want.

You’re not just saying things like, “I want more money” or “I want to be happier.” either.

You’re painting a vivid picture of your desires: “I am financially free, with a thriving career and abundant wealth,” or “I am radiating joy, surrounded by loving relationships and inner peace.”


Be sure to speak about yourself in the present tense as if you are living out this desire right now. Change the way you talk to yourself (and others) and start speaking with confidence about the life you want now—in the present tense.

And when you act as if you already have your desires, the universe responds to this energy and starts conspiring in your favor with the exact experiences, opportunities, and people that align with your desires.

Practical Steps to Start “Acting As If” Your Desires Have Already Been Realized

These steps will show you how to seamlessly blend your current reality with the one you’re manifesting:

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the exact situation you desire. See the details: where you are, who’s with you, how you’re feeling. Make it as real as possible.

Amplify Your Emotions
Feel the emotions as if your desire has already become a reality. If you’re dreaming of a new job, embrace the excitement and fulfillment. If it’s a loving relationship you seek, let yourself experience the joy and love.

Positive Affirmations
Use affirmations like “I am” or “I have” to reinforce your belief. For instance, “I am successful and confident” or “I have abundant wealth and opportunities.” Affirmations can have a powerful impact on your mindset and help expedite your manifestations.

Related: 111 Powerful Vision Board Affirmations to Supercharge Your Manifestation

Embody Your Desire
Begin to act as though your desire is already your reality. If you’re manifesting wealth, manage your finances wisely. If it’s a healthy lifestyle you’re after, start to make healthier choices in your daily life. Act the part.

Express gratitude for what you already have and for the amazing things on their way. Gratitude is like a magnet for attracting even more abundance into your life.

‘Act As If’ Examples and Scenarios

Ready to see ‘Acting As If’ in action? Let’s explore some real-life scenarios and examples.

Career Success

Imagine you’re manifesting career success. Close your eyes and visualize yourself in your dream office, confidently tackling important projects and receiving recognition from your colleagues. At work, take on responsibilities as if you’ve already earned that promotion or raise. Speak and act with the confidence of someone who has achieved their goals.

Love and Relationships

Let’s say you’re manifesting a loving, supportive relationship. Visualize yourself in a happy, harmonious partnership. Feel the love and happiness that come with it. In your current relationships, express love and kindness. Treat others the way you want to be treated and embody the qualities of a loving partner.

Financial Abundance

If financial abundance is what you desire, visualize yourself enjoying a life free from any financial worries. Feel the relief and security it brings. In your daily life, make smart budgeting decisions, save money, and invest as if you are already financially comfortable. This way, your actions will be in line with your desire.

Health and Well-Being

For better health, visualize yourself full of vitality and energy. Feel that sense of wellness in every cell of your body. Start incorporating healthier habits into your daily routine, like nourishing yourself with nutritious foods, staying active, and ensuring you get enough rest. Imagine you’re already in perfect health and let that guide your actions.

The more consistently you ‘Act As If’, the more you invite your desires to become your lived experience. It’s like rehearsing for the life you want until it becomes second nature.

Creating a Vision Board

Creating a vision board is another powerful tool you can use when manifesting.

It helps to focus your attention on what you want to achieve and serves as a constant visual reminder of what you’re reaching for.

And it amplifies our ‘Act As If’ mindset and makes it even easier to align our thoughts and actions with our desires.

act as if vision board
Whether you’re crafting a physical vision board or a digital one, let your creativity soar, and let your dreams take center stage.

Here’s how to create and use a vision board effectively:

  • Gather Your Supplies: Grab a poster board, a corkboard, or even a digital platform like Pinterest. You’ll also need magazines, images, words, and anything else that resonates with your desires.
  • Clarify Your Desires: Again, you need to be crystal clear on what you want to manifest. It could be your dream home, a fulfilling career, loving relationships, or all of the above!
  • Visualize Your Desires: As you flip through magazines or browse online, choose images and words to go on your vision board that truly resonate with your desires. Trust your instincts and don’t overthink it.
  • Create Your Collage: Arrange your chosen images and words on your board. There’s no right or wrong way to do this – just let your creativity flow and make it a reflection of your ideal life.
  • Place It Where You’ll See It: Now, it’s time to find the perfect spot for your vision board. Whether it’s in your bedroom, office, or even as your screensaver, make sure it’s somewhere you’ll see it every day. This constant visual reminder will effortlessly help you ‘Act As If’.
  • Feel It Real: Whenever you look at your vision board, pause for a moment and really feel the emotions tied to your desires. Experience the joy, excitement, and gratitude as if your dreams have already manifested.
  • Take Inspired Action: As you ‘Act As If’ and visualize your desires on your vision board, stay open to inspired action. Be ready for opportunities and ideas to flow in to guide you towards turning your dreams into reality.

You may also enjoy: 55 Affirmations for Creativity to Manifest Your Creative Vision


Scripting is a powerful writing exercise that can aid in “Acting As If” too.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Manifestation Scripting

How to Overcome Doubt and Resistance When ‘Acting As If’

Alright, let’s get real for a moment.

While the “Act As If” technique is a powerful manifestation tool, it’s not immune to its fair share of challenges and doubts.

The truth is, even when you’re doing everything “right,” doubts and limiting beliefs can still rear their ugly head. It’s important to recognize that this is part of the process – and it’s actually common and ‘normal’.

Here are 7 tried-and-tested tips for overcoming doubt and resistance:

  1. Acknowledge Your Doubts: The first step in overcoming your doubt is to acknowledge it. Instead of brushing off those feelings, recognize them as a natural part of the process. It’s totally okay to have doubts; they don’t define your capability.
  2. Refocus on Your Desires: When doubt tries to take the wheel, steer it back to your desires. Remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place. Reconnect with the passion and excitement that fueled your decision to ‘Act As If.’
  3. Positive Self-Talk: Instead of doubting yourself, replace those thoughts with positive affirmations. When you catch yourself thinking, “I can’t do this,” remind yourself, “I am capable, and I am actively turning my dreams into reality.” Use your inner dialogue as a source of motivation.
  4. Surround Yourself with Support: Seek out friends, family, or like-minded individuals who can encourage and support your manifestation journey. Sharing your doubts and concerns with those who support you can help you gain perspective and valuable advice that can help you along the way.
  5. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate even the tiniest victories along the way. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a step toward your dreams. Acknowledging your progress can boost your confidence and keep you motivated.
  6. Trust the Process: Understand that doubts and resistance are normal parts of the journey. Trust the process and have faith that persistence and consistently ‘Acting As If’ will guide you to your desired destination.
  7. Stay Patient: Manifestation takes time. Be patient with yourself and the process. It’s about progress, not perfection. Take it one step at a time and trust that you’re on the right path.

You may also enjoy: 7 Signs Your Manifestation is Coming and on Its Way to You

Why Consistency Matters When ‘Acting as If’

act as if

Now that we’ve explored various techniques and exercises to ‘Act As If,’ there’s a crucial element we can’t afford to overlook: consistency.

Just like any skill, ‘Acting As If’ requires dedication and regular practice.

And also just like with anything worth having, ‘acting as if’ is not a one-time event.

Instead, it is a lifestyle shift that leads to lasting change.

When you commit to consistency, you’re essentially telling the universe, “I am serious about this. I am making this my reality.”

Commit to certain practices on a regular basis. That might look like setting aside time every day for self-reflection, visualizing, and journaling. Or it could be practicing gratitude and focusing on positive emotions throughout the day.

The key is to stay consistent and keep taking action every single day. This repetition helps establish new habits in your mind and fuels the manifestation of your dream life.

So keep going and ‘Act As If’ your dreams can come true. Sprinkle in a little inspired action and the universe will do the rest!

It’s Time to ‘Act As If’ and Manifest Your Dreams

Manifesting is a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. But with the right tools and techniques, you can master it.

Remember these key takeaways:

‘Acting As If’ is your passport to a reality where your dreams come true.

Setting clear and specific intentions is your guiding light. The clearer your intentions, the smoother your manifestation journey will be.

Vision boards, scripting, and affirmations are your allies in the ‘Act As If’ journey.

Consistency is the glue that binds your ‘Act As If’ mindset to your everyday actions. Maintain your commitment and stay open to opportunities to flow in.

Now, it’s your time to shine.

Start implementing the ‘Act As If’ technique in your manifestation journey today.

Your dreams ARE within reach and you have the power to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Your future self will be SO grateful you are taking this step.

Happy Manifesting!


Further Your Manifestation Mastery

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